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Some of my personal projects:

The Digital Diplomat Museum

The Digital Diplomat Museum - U.S Dept. Of State

Language(s) & Tools: Panolens, React, Reveal, Javascript, HTML, CSS

I worked on building a 3D virtual Museum for the United States Government, though the Impact Hack Hackathon. I picked up new skills and technologies along the way and won the hackathon!

My project seeks to ignite the interest of youngsters in the Diplomatic Corps so that they might potentially explore a career in the area! I made a video detailing my project! You can also explore the 3D room yourself right here!

C++ 2 Player Snake Game

C++ 2 Player Snake Game

Language(s) & Tools: C++, #ncurses

Have you ever wished that the classical snake game could be played by more than one player? My younger sister and I are both snake-game champs and so I created a game using C++ inorder to enable both of us to play the game at the very same time! This was also an opportunity for me to pick up a new language!

Don't Talk to the Wizard

Don't Talk to the Wizard

Language(s) & Tools: Unity, C#

I worked with a team to build this rpg game! 2 of my teammates created sprites and sound effects while I and another teammate coded up the project. We also had a mentor (Lauren) to guide us along the way! While we were working on this project, the COVID 19 pandemic hit the U.S. (where we were at the time). This made the project particularly challenging as we all went home from college - travelling to different states and countries - making organizing meetings quite hard. Nonetheless, we were able to complete this project within the span of 2 months and I thouroughly enjoyed working with my team, even if it meant that I had a meeting at 3 am local time!

Play the game here!

Multiplayer Rock Paper Scissors Whale Slackbot Game

Multiplayer Rock Paper Scissors Whale Slackbot

Language(s) & Tools: Node.js, Socket.io, express, npm, Javascript, HTML, CSS

I made a fun multiplayer game for my club (UPE), picking up new tools and technologies such as Node.js along the way! The game is based on the well known rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock game from the Big Bang Theory, but adapted to my club whose mascot is a whale! Players battle against the server (called Upsilon) and the first player to beat Upsilon wins!

Berkeley Free Clinic

Complaint System - Berkeley Free Clinic

Language(s): Google Scripts / Javascript

In November 2019, I attended the Hack For Social Impact Hackathon and got the opportunity to build a complaint system for the Berkeley Free Clinic, an NPO right next to campus.

I formed a team with two other people and raced against the clock to finish the entire project in less than 48 hours. Our final product was a complaint system which recieves complaints from patients and sends out weekly reminder emails to employees that have unresolved complaints. The Berkeley Free Clinic ended up choosing our project and uses the Complaint System till today!

Bat Hunt Game

Bat Hunt Game

Language(s): C#

I built a bat hunt game, complete with sound effects, during the Game Development Decal in Spring 2020!

The aim of the game is to get to a red gate located somewhere in the game. But - beware! If you get too close to a bat, they start following you! Red bats hurt you, causing your life to decrease! And green bats hurt you even more! Regain your health by finding chests throughout the game. But - once again - beware! Whilst some chests contain potions that heal you, others contain potions that harm you! So, choose wisely.

UPE web-dev

UPE - advice page + website

Language(s): Javascript, HTML, CSS

I was elected as a Professional Development Officer for Upsilon Pi Epsilon in Spring 2020. I created a quick-reference advice page (https://upe-profdev.gitlab.io/advice/) to help students with interviews. The page acts as a quick guide for basic interview tips and is purposefully made succinct in order to help students optimize time in their busy schedules.

I also collaborated with another UPE officer to build the online UPE interview bank. I also made video tutorials for the same.

We also re-vamped the student services section on the main UPE website (https://upe.berkeley.edu/) ~ making it easier to navigate through. I also introduced a new system of phone interviews, which we included in the re-vamped student services section.

Check out my resume for more projects! Click here to ask me for it :) !

Why do I not have a link to my resume directly? My resume keeps changing almost on a monthly basis becuase I like to keep learning and creating. So, email me for an up-to-date copy!